Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Camera-less Moments

*sung to the tune of Clementine*
Part Four of the Camera Saga. Still in a pickle. For some reason I saved the box, the warranty, the manual, the plastic wrappers, each piece to the camera, the unused and unopened camera cords - and yet, I didn't save the receipt. I didn't? I could've sworn I did! Meaning (as a gum-chewing Walmart employee told me) that the warranty is useless. I made the same mistake last time I bought a camera (same model, a year ago - what is up with me? But for the record, I didn't break the camera through carelessness, the same lens error occurred both times). Anyway, I can't afford to drop another $200.00 for a third camera. Sad day. So this will have to be a pictureless blog, which is unfortunate, because for the first time I actually want to take pictures of my home surroundings. Ah well.
Also, I meant to post pics of my kids in Musician's Choice program, Choice Kids. But I can't find the flash drive with the photos Laurie took. Blast. Not my best day with taking care of technology.
But! I saw a deer outside my front window the day before yesterday! Just standing in the meadowy area that the back of our building faces. I watched it for a few full minutes before a man walking his dog scared him and he bounded away. I love animals. It was neat to get to see that, all while standing in my front room with the window open.
Too bad I didn't have a camera. . .
Maybe this gap of time without a camera will teach me that a moment doesn't have to be captured on film to make it a special moment. Lovely moments can be savored all on their own.  

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