Friday, March 13, 2015

Child of Mine

It seems that lately I've only been dusting off my blog to use it as a soapbox. Well, midnight musings (and rants) are not the only thing I want to use this blog for! It's Tommy Time! Prepare for a picture overload!
In one week, Thomas will be fifteen months. Craaaazy.

I don't know if I'm finally coming out of some of the fog of postpartum depression or if I simply enjoy toddlers more than babies, but I feel like Tommy and I are falling into a great rhythm together lately. I feel like I'm finally, fully appreciating the bright little spirit he is. He is such fun! Thomas is a major chatterbox, learning new words every few days and babbling to fill in the ones he doesn't know. He is still an atrocious napper and a consistent night-waker, but instead of his usually push and pull he's become a bit more of a cuddlebug - I love it. We are friends, y'know? And we can work through things even when one (or both ;) ) of us has a meltdown. This is bigger progress for me than you will ever know, folks! And it's such a joy to see him learning about the world around him. I have deliberately tried give him opportunities to just soak up the lovely world we live in - to feel that the world is a beautiful place. Because it is.

Tommy is so full of energy, and within minutes of waking up in the morning he is asking for "side?" (outside?) "pah?" (park?), and "bye-bye!" (let's go someplace!). We spend so much time outside that I'm afraid for summer to hit. What are we gonna do in the 100-degree-plus weather?! As awesome as splash pads are for the little ones, I can't say I'm thrilled at the prospect of baking myself. It doesn't take much to wear me out, I still have days when just getting out of bed makes me want to cry. So I'm barely staying ahead of the edge of the metaphorical treadmill as is; I'll be in serious trouble when summer hits if I don't come up with a game plan!
For now my game plan for when I'm wiped out - use Winnie-the-Pooh to lure him back inside.

This boy LOVES Pooh. Watches it almost every day. No need to judge me, I'm already judging myself for the amount of Pooh, Daniel Tiger, and Curious George that this under-two (a.k.a. no-screen-time-allowed) kiddo is watching. But seriously, look at that roly-poly backside - Tommy's, not Pooh's - and tell me that his love of Pooh is not adorable.

Outside of Pooh and the outdoors, Thomas loves his bestest buddy Dadda, dancing to his music toys, snuggles, bath time, throwing things he's not supposed to, eating enormous amounts of bananas and eggs (separately), his grandparents and extended family, balls, climbing up and down his mama endlessly, "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb", and pushing the buttons on the microwave. Tommy shows me life through a new lens - one that is more appreciative of the simple pleasures of life. It makes me more grateful. Grateful for cool breezes, swishy swings, colors, hugs, and music.

But mostly I am grateful for this child of mine.

"And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me." - Matthew 18:2-5

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