Saturday, August 4, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

Hm. Haven't posted in a long time, so this layout is pretty different. We'll see how it turns out.
To cover what I've missed:
The school year steamrollered along. I made the Dean's List, and since I was never an A-student in high school or at CGCC, this was very exciting to me. The irony is that the school work this year was harder than in years past, but I guess I've finally gotten organized enough to meet deadlines and have quality focus-time for homework and study. It was a hard, busy year.
My last weekend of concerts in Shrine of the Ages Choir was bittersweet. We had a truly wonderful Shrine concert at the Church of the Nativity, performing Ralph Vaughn-William's Mass in G Minor, along with selected repertoire from throughout the year. It was the fourth and final time that I got to sing the solo in "The Road Home", and it was a very moving experience for me and many others. I just love the message of that song - so beautiful. As I was singing, it finally sank in that, by leaving behind the option of a music degree, I was closing a chapter in my life that I would miss deeply. Even though I am happy with my choice, the thought still made my heart ache with a sense of loss. I will miss it - the art of making music with other artists, the unity of spirit when passionate musicians join voices under the direction of a master, the outlet of being an outlet for beautiful and meaningful works of music, and even the opportunities to sing a as a soloist. It's not like I'll never be part of music ensembles again, but it's not quite the same as dedicating my life to it, y'know? Plus, I'll miss having all the same classes as my honey.

However, I know, by confirmation of the Spirit, that I am making the right choice by leaving Choral Education and planning to someday be an elementary school teacher. I believe that, through teaching children, I will not only find greater joy than I would in any other career, but that I will be in a better position to bless others than I would in any other career. I am still very unsure about how it will all work out. I wish a thunderbolt would fall out of heaven and hit me on the head with the answers to: Work or school? School or family? Family or work? When? How? For at least this next semester, I've decided to be cool and stay in school. Don't ask me why I'm planning that, when we've got less than a hundred dollars to our name. But we've got financial aide coming next month, a full tank of gas, and family that won't let us starve, so that dollar numerical amount is not the only factor. Plus, for being so broke, we've had a pretty incredible summer, including a family trip to Yellowstone, working in MCC's Musical Theater Workshops, helping my family move to a new house (!!), and quality time with family and friends. I'll have to have a separate post about our summer experiences. For now, we are sad to be on the back end of summer - I could use several more weeks!

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