Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I know this is a cheesy, Mormonblog thing to do. But I'm feeling distinctly blessed lately, and I want to share some of the things I'm thankful for (if for my own sake more than for family or friends reading this), Drop out if you get bored. But here's a list of things I've been thankful to Heavenly Father for lately!

In no particular order:
1. Fall.

I'm experiencing a real autumn season for the first time (not as true of an autumn as I might experience back East, but still new and beautiful to me). The colors are beautiful, the changing leaves make me ponder, and the weather is delightfully brisk. I'm thankful for the changing seasons.
2. Art.

I've been working on an art-related project for my Christianity class, a "sisters in the scriptures" scrapbook for myself, and looking up art that I'd like to use to decorate my home someday when we're fabulously wealthy (ha). I've come across some incredible artwork that simply inspires me. . . Too many paintings that I've fallen in love with to even try and show them on this blog (although I might stick in one or two that I like). I've been amazed at how different and yet so beautiful and even strengthening some of these portrayals of people or feelings are! I am very impressed by those who can create works of art. . . how people can use mediums like pencil, paint, clay, wire, or cloth to create something that is alive without life, something that provokes thought, affects moods, persuades or uplifts us. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father blesses all of his children by blessing some of His children with this gift. It's a gift that I wish I had!  By the way, check out http://mormonartist.net/ to see some beautiful religious paintings (and other forms of art) by some new and relatively unknown artists. A couple art tidbits I've liked lately include some works by James Christensen, paintings by Megan Rieker, and Navajo pottery and rug art.
3. Chris.

I thank the Lord every day for blessing me with someone as good (and as good for me) as Chris. He is "my sunshine" every day. Chris is THE best person I know, and always motivates me to work hard, enjoy life, and be "an example of the believers". Plus he makes my life filled with fun. :) I love you, Chris!
4. The Book of Mormon.  This one, that is.

Don't care if that's cliche, because it's true. I am grateful for the clarity the Book of Mormon gives. I'm thankful for the motivation to become more like Jesus Christ that I feel renewed in me when I study it. I'm thankful to have a testimony, because it is that testimony in the Book of Mormon that keeps me grounded in the Church no matter what. Not that I don't have questions because, hoo boy, I have lots of concerns and questions. But the Book of Mormon gives me faith in Jesus Christ, hope in the Church, and charity enough to be patient with the doctrines/people/situations that I don't fully get. Not gonna lie, I need more of the charity and patience bit. But either way, I'm thankful for the Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
5. Our car.

Our Mazda Protege, nicknamed "Stinky" by Chris (in the pre-Aubrey era, trust me), is the most reliable little thing! It just keeps going and going and going. . . . and it gets great gas mileage. With all the other school expenses piling up, I'm grateful that we have a sturdy car that we aren't spending much money on.

Welp, that's all folks! Maybe you'll think of some things you are thankful to Heavenly Father for; because it sure makes the day brighter! :)

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