Friday, June 12, 2015

In Which Aubrey Whines and Then Counts Her Blessings

Hello The Internets. I really just want to whine for a while, and I think my husband has absorbed all the whining on his own, which certainly isn't nice. So here I am. I got scabies last weekend, and it's been the WORST.
I don't care that that's not socially acceptable to announce on a blog. I just wanna vent about it. Don't know how or where I got it, but I know that's what it is since I've had it once before. And it has itched like a *$!#*. I have burned myself with tea tree oil, bleach, scrubbed with borax, taken scalding baths in hydrogen peroxide/borax/tea tree oil multiple times a day, and paid over 60 bucks for six-freaking-ounces of prescription permethrin cream. Ain't nobody got time for all that. Especially me. Right now. And after all that, I'm still covered in festering blistery bumps that are making me miserable. So what's the deal?
Then I read about this thing called Post Scabies Syndrome. Which is basically all the same reactions in your body as scabies, except as a RESULT of the scabies treatment rather than as a result of the scabies. So how, I ask you, am I supposed to tell if I killed all the little mother-buggers or if it's a reaction to the insecticide treatment?? Because I'd really like to snuggle my son again! And stop having to boil everything I touch. And you know, not infect the Magic Music Kidz I'll be working with come Monday. Although really, I can't imagine that the little devils have survived the permethrin cream (and my rigorous routine of burning myself with water and chemicals on a daily basis). My hands and feet actually have larger burn areas than blister areas, and they are killing me! I can't even lay them out flat or curl them up without pain. And yet I keep waking up with itches in the night. UGGGGGGGH.
I know there are worse things out there that people have to deal with. But right now, I'm feeling lonely and dirty and itchy and burned and with a to-do list getting longer than I can keep up with because of taking care of this. So I'd like to have my whine. So there!

Now that I've had it, I'm feeling guilty because I'm supposed to be writing about my joys. And because I always end my posts with a scripture or uplifting quote, and how am I supposed to uphold that tradition after I just spent a whole post literally doing nothing but whine? Hm.
I think I shall balance it out a bit by counting some of my most recent things to be thankful for.

1. Getting scabies has caused me to scrub my house from top to bottom, and it really needed it. It's been hard to keep the house clean after a move when you're still unpacking, and I've never been the cleanest person. Maybe this was what I needed to get back to square one and to make some changes in my home habits?
2. I've gotten out of a LOT of diaper changing lately due to the scabies. ;)
3. Chris. Chris is ALWAYS on my list of things to be thankful for. And as usual he is pulling me along, encouraging me, and helping me lift my own loads a bit.
4. Tommy, who is also always on my list of things to be thankful for. It's been hard for him and for me to not be able to be close this week, but we have found other ways to have fun together. And well, yes, watch more movies than usual, too.
5. Our new refrigerator. It might seem random amidst everything else on this list, but it's been such a blessing - and a game changer! Our other fridge ruined produce and had uneven warm and cool spots, and because of that I gave up on even trying to eat healthy or buy healthy options. With the help of some earthly angels, we got ourselves a new fridge! And now it's stocked full of fruits and veggies, and I am loving it so much!

Okay, I am feeling better and I think I can end on that note. May your weekend be blessing-filled and scabies-free!

"Remembering mine affliction and my misery . . . My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:19-23